There You’ll Be

bowmanchris.jpgWatch a movie about Christopher H Bowman

Today is Chris’ birthday. We won’t discuss how old he is, because we now know that is irrelevant. You are only as old as…you are. I hope this year he finds some relief in the physical pains he endures everyday. I hope this so he can enjoy life a little bit more this year. I hope he finds time to laugh and be more active. I hope he discovers new hobbies and pastimes that bring him pleasure and joy. I hope he sings more, plays more, sleeps more, laughs more, learns more and has more. He really does deserve it.

Posted in Random.


  1. um… it only loaded half way… i can’t watch the whole thing. i’m suspended in suspense… i can’t take it anymore! i need to see the end.

  2. I know you’re much more sentimental than I am, but thought it very touching you did this tribute to your father on your website. As one who has ‘lost’ her father this past year, it is a great idea to see the communication happening while there is still time. I thought the use of the sepia tone was clever, showing he was of a different generation and era, in a visual way.

  3. Thanks…except it is a video about my husband. And since I hardly know you I doubt either of us can determine who is “more sentimental”. It is just one way of showing tribute to my family members on their birthday. A little thing, but I believe it makes them feel special. It also helps me recollect on what makes them special to me.

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