The Lady Can Glare

My friends and I took a couple of days off and drove over to Newport Beach. I love the beach. We were having such a lovely time! I was the first on the warm sand and the last to leave it. I built sandcastles and body surfed and suntanned and body surfed. Then I ate sand with my sandwich and body surfed. The thing I loved the most? Did I mention body surfing?

Later that evening, my friends decided to give me what they thought was a compliment. “Pam, when we are your age, we want to be just like you! You still know how to have fun!” That night, I spent a few hours on the floor. Should I mention the achy breaky muscles to those youngins? I don’t think so!

No matter what happens, I will always be older then these friends of mine. They will never catch up! What’s the point of being frustrated at being complimented on being a fun old lady? I know some day they will know what 49 feels like, but by then I will know what 65 feels like. Until then you want to catch the next wave with me? Oh, come on! It’s not that cold!

Posted in Random.