What I Think

This little being was born 52 years ago at 7:45 a.m. Today as she made a wish on 52 candles she thought, what would it be like if just once a year at the exact moment one was born one could make a wish and it really would come true. Hmmmm, interesting premise to think […]

Traveling Companions

<img src=’http://www.pamelabowman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/pjwbfight.jpg’ alt=’pjwbfight.jpg’ ‘class=’alignleft’ hspace=”5″/>Driving to L.A. is not my idea of a good time, but on this business trip I asked Wistie to accompany me. That way I would have someone to keep me company on the road. While we were there we spent 33 minutes at the beach. We just had to feel […]

Will Work For Money

<img src=’http://www.pamelabowman.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/wis.jpg’ alt=’Wistie’ ‘class=’alignright’/>The girl needs a job. She is smart, cute, bi-lingual, computer literate, hard working and funny! Come on people! I have many friends…. I take that back…. I know people who were hired because they knew people. Why is that not working for us? Have we not assisted others in obtaining employment? […]