Coming and Going

wisben.jpg Wistie is home! YEA! I think she feels discombobulated. I remember how that feels. You know you are different, but everyone still treats you the same and you want to scream and say, “I’m not the same little girl any more,” but you don’t and then you find yourself regressing back to what “you think” everyone is more comfortable with you being. I would like to say I am comfortable with her being just who she is. I think she is pretty wonderful.

saacben.jpg What I notice is there is a lot more rough housing going on… last time I ended up in the emergency room with stitches in my head. So I am always a little nervous. Fool around long enough and someone or something will get hurt!

<img src=’’ alt=’sandnote.jpg’ ‘class=’alignleft’ />Ciera is coming home tonight. She has been gone since Wednesday on a choir trip to Disneyland! How cool is that?! I think she missed us. It felt really odd not having that little munch-kin jabbering away. She sent us this lovely gift she made herself. Sometimes kids are the best thing ever!

Posted in Family.