Come Play!

So I got this from another blog, and it seems appropriate. Kind of like the WIKI page. I remember once going to girls camp and the girls were getting a little irritated with each other so I suggested we play the “say something nice” game. I know I am pathetic. So, everyone had to say something nice about the person on their right. Then we isolated every one and everyone had to say something nice about each person. It completely changed the ambiance. The girls still remember that. Now that doesn’t mean you have to say only nice things, but I warn you if you say a mean thing you have to say three nice things to counter it.

  1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

  2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. Yea, that means you will have to create a blog page. Not a hard thing and it kind of falls in the category of “journal writing.” Great, more multi tasking. Hope you have a sense of humor. You all know I do!

  3. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you. That could be scary. I just might surprise you.

Posted in Random.


  1. Pamela, I don’t have a blog, so I suppose you would just have to email me back. I am just not that evolved yet. Nonetheless here is my memory to share with you. Well, just the memories from working on the Music Man scenery with you. Lots of good talks, laughs and moments of great frustration that we shared. What a great experience that was to get to know you better. I will always be greatfull for that opportunity.

  2. i remember a lot of things… but the first thing that popped into my head was when i was a little girl and we were playing “the car game” you know, where i sit on your knees and push on the gas and then push on the brakes and fall through. good times. a lot of laughing. i can still hear your laugh. i miss it, you know… the hearty one that cackles up a bit toward the end. that’s all… or is it?

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