No Depth

Stillness. Shattered. Into the depth below the surface. Incandescent shadows Imitate substance. An allusion of Shimmering depths. Promised understanding of weakness and failings. Celebrations of Strengths and assets. To know and be known beyond the ripples, wrinkles and swells. Belie. The reflection. Shined outward Blinding any sight. Veiled, concealed and denied shaded every slither of light. Paralyzed Eclipsed The light could have, should […]

Still Blogging

I haven’t stopped blogging. I write. I read. I delete. Its therapeutic. I can paraphrase. Yea…. Deleted again. I am thinking of creating a blog where no one knows it’s me and I can say whatever I want and not feel bad or wrong or worried about being bad or wrong or worried. Would you […]


To tell the truth, I am not a big animation fan. I didn’t watch cartoons as a kid and I don’t really like them now. Shocker, not. But there are exceptions and here is one of them. LOVE IT! []

Did You Know

I am aware this is old. I am also aware if I watched this last year, I don’t remember. This made me think about many things. None of them pleasant. What do you think? Although one of the things I got from this little clip is that I don’t think. I have slowly been programed […]

10 With Wrinkles

I think I was 10. In my neighbors back yard I chased a lizard until he disappeared under a cracked cement slab. I wanted that lizard. I thought he would make a great pet. The neighborhood kids agreed and for a couple of hours we persisted. We tried luring with food. We tried badgering with […]


Why is it that dissecting ‘The Masque of the Red Death‘ is so much more meaningful and dare I say fun, when done with Ciera Jo? I am enjoying the readings of Poe and discovering insights and thoughts with her. She has decided that her mind works best at 9:30 at night. I want to […]

Out to Lunch

I cannot speak for all writers, but for me it is imperative to write everyday. Sometimes that means leaving a note on the kitchen to tell my world I am out to lunch. Sometimes it means sitting in front of my computer and asking myself the hard questions. What am I thinking? What am I […]