Blogging Buddies

The other night or, more accurately, morning, I was waiting for TWILIGHT to start and “the moms” were visiting. There was this one group of women around me that seemed to know everyone in the audience. I asked one of them how they knew each other. Her response shocked me. “Blogging.” I looked at her like she must be joking, but she said, “No, they really did meet through blogging” and not only that, but she met a “blogging friend” from Califonria and Utah for lunch when they were in town.

Does anyone else think this is strange? And potentially dangerous?

One of the women said she blogs THREE or FOUR times a DAY. Now that got me thinking… this might be an interesting documentary. Women, and I assume, men are connecting with each other in a unique and wonderful way with the written word. How provincial and life affirming. This opens up the possibility for dialogue with so many people from different cultures. One’s world can be enlarged without even leaving home.

I have often read or heard horror stories of stalkers or worse, locating lonely and vulnerable people through the internet, but to discover the other side, the positive side of the internet is lovely and creates hope.

I was telling my friend about it and commenting that after three years of blogging I have not met anyone. She suggested I am to inquisitive about others lives and not forthcoming about my own.

Does she not read my blog? Probably not.

Posted in Random.