Anything’s Possible

What a day! Sometimes we make decisions and we aren’t sure what the “right” thing to do is. Sometimes, it is after the decision is made when we discover that feeling of relief when everything feels just right. This comes after the choice is made and action occurs. Tonight, we made a business decision. I have been fighting it for some time. My business partner coached me and prodded me. Finally, I reluctantly considered the possibility of other options and choices. Now I wonder why it took me so long! I guess I am stubborn after all. All I know is I feel liberated and excited again about my business aspirations and goals. What a relief! Don’t get me wrong. I love my work. Every aspect of it, but I discovered the benefit of team work over a year ago. Today, I rediscovered that others are just as capable and, perhaps, sometimes more capable of accomplishing the same tasks as I am. When we work together on those goals it is easier for everyone and the end result is richer and more dimensional. It feels good to feel “right” with my world again. Once again anything seems possible!

Posted in Random.